The current war in Ukraine makes us painfully aware of the interdependencies of our civilizational “progress,” in which the political power structure, technological and economic processes, as well as effects on the climate determine one another. Each of the four N-O-S-W tours features a theme related to this problem area. The pictorial prologue to “War” – “Pandemic” – “Siege” – “Currency” is formed by four iconic images from the Middle Ages, which come from the north, east, south and west of Styria.
Conceived, reconnoitered, packaged and accompanied by Alexandra Riewe.
Projects by following artists: Dellbrügge & de Moll, Barbara Edlinger, Herbert Eichholzer, Anna Jermolaewa, Walter Ritter, Alexander Silveri, Elizabeth Ward, Manfred Wolff-Plottegg, Wolfgang Becksteiner, Nayarí Castillo, Jochen Gerz, Joachim Hainzl, Karl Karner, RESANITA, Gustav Troger, Joachim Baur, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Eduard Freudmann, Marlene Haring, Helmut & Johanna Kandl, Wolfgang Skala, Barbara Sommerer, Martin Gansberger, Jakob Pock, Katha Buschek, Peter Sandbichler, Bernhard Wolf u.a.
„Indem wir anhand des Lehrbuchs, das uns die Geschichte eröffnet, lernen, weshalb Kriege geführt werden, welchen Nutzen und welche Risiken sie bergen, können wir das Ungeheuer domestizieren. Wir sollten vielleicht nicht vorschnell hoffen, dass wir es endgültig wegsperren können.“
(Ilja Steffelbauer im Vorwort seines Buches Der Krieg – Von Troja bis zur Drohne, Wien 2017)
„Only one thing remains unchanged: contradictions between nations and states are still resolved not by words, but by missiles. Not by word. But by war.“
(Volodymyr Zelensky, Präsident der Ukraine, in seiner Rede vor der 74. UNO-Generalversammlung am 25. September 2019)