Art Mediation

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What appears to some as a nonsensical imperative is immediately recognized by others as a memory aid from their school days. Starting from Graz, four routes will be taken in the order of the cardinal directions of N-O-S-W (N North, O [Ost] East, S South, W West).

Launched in 2006 by the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria, the four Sunday discovery tours are taking place every year. The emphasis is on educating people about the permanent and temporary art projects that the institute has initiated or accompanied. Historical works of art in public space are likewise in focus and questions are raised about their representative function and social interaction.

Political Landscape

Artworks initiated by the Institute of Public Art Styria in context of the 2015 project Political Landscape are visited during a mountain hike lasting several hours in and around Altaussee.

Political Landscape focused on the liberation of Europe from the Nazi totalitarianism seventy years prior. In the high mountains, six artistic works were created.


Full Moon Hike

In the full moon’s light, the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria offers an annual hike visiting permanent artworks in the South of Styria. The Projects Freundschaft - Prijateljstvo (Friendship) by René Stessl and 46 Farben (46 Colours) by Tamara Grčić are visited alternately.

Interactive Navigation App

This interactive navigation app is a guide to Art in Public Space in Styria. It mainly shows artistic works and historical memorials from 1945 onwards, which are freely accessible and can be visited without restrictions.

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