Proprietor and operator:
Universalmuseum Joanneum GmbH
Mariahilferstraße 2-4
A-8020 Graz
Tel: +43-316/8017-0
Fax: +43-316/8017-9699
Legal form: Scientific institution under public law
Regd. company no.: FN 230017 k ((Regional Civil Court, Graz)
VAT no.: ATU 56456579
Participation relationship: Land Steiermark
Scientific management: Dr. Marko Mele
Commercial management: Mag. Josef Schrammel
Design: moodley strategy & design group gmbh
Implementation and content preparation of the website: MF Mediate Systems GmbH in cooperation with the Universalmuseum Joanneum
Content and editorial responsibility: Universalmuseum Joanneum
Object of the company: The Universalmuseum Joanneum conveys history, art, culture and nature in the Styrian region. In this context, exhibitions, events and in-depth content are presented on the website. In this way, the Universalmuseum Joanneum fulfils its cultural and scientific mandate from the province of Styria.
Leaf line: Web presence for the mediation of exhibitions, events and in-depth content.
Newsletter: The newsletter informs regularly about new exhibitions and events of the museums of the Universalmuseum Joanneum.
Supervisory board members:
Mag. Siegfried Nagl
Jürgen Angerer
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Fallenböck
Mag. Manuela Maria Groß
Mag. Astrid Nesper
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Martin Moll
Dr. Andreas Opelt
Mag. Dr. Reinhard Reimann
Valerie Marie Soran
Clemens Wiesenhofer
Employee representatives:
Heinz Einwagner, chair of the works council
Joachim Traidl, 1st deputy chair of the works council
André Getreuer-Kostrouch, 2nd deputy chair of the works council
Andreas Lindbichler, works council
Nina Pöllabauer, works council
Here you can find our reporting channel according to the whistleblower protection law (HSchG):
Whistleblowing-Meldekanal (German)
Conditions of use
1. Conditions of use
The contents published here are for general information. No guarantee or liability is assumed for the correctness, topicality, completeness and availability of the information or services offered. If you need specific advice, please contact an expert.
Links to other Internet sites have been chosen with care. However, their content, correctness, topicality, completeness and retrievability are not within our control.
We accept no guarantee or liability for downloadable forms, particularly their being up-to-date, suitable for a specific purpose and free of viruses. We reserve the right to change, supplement or delete information or services offered here, or to suspend our Internet presence entirely or temporarily, at any time and without prior notice.
We endeavour to keep to a minimum problems arising from disruption or incompatibility issues during retrieval of information and [use of] services. However, the possibility of data and/or information being not, or incorrectly shown on our web site cannot be excluded. We accept no liability for the possibility of our service being interrupted or otherwise impaired by disruptions.
2. Intellectual property
All contents, the layout and any sound and video sequences are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved by the copyright holders. Changes may not be made. Public use of the information/services may only take place with the consent of the Universalmuseum Joanneum and by naming and making clear the source. The mere linking to the contents of the website with a simultaneous reference to the source is generally permissible and does not require special permission. The unauthorised use of protected content may result in civil and criminal prosecution.
3. Closing conditions
Use of the information and services is subject exclusively to Austrian law.
Inasmuch as parts of individual formulations in this text fail to or should cease in part or in full to comply with the prevailing legal situation, the remaining parts remain unaffected as for their content and validity. In place of an invalid provision or to remedy a deficiency, an appropriate, legally admissible wording is applied that comes closest to the intended sense and objective of these conditions of use in the awareness of the partial invalidity or deficiency.
Gender-sensitive language
The Joanneum Universal Museum follows a policy of equality in linguistic references to men and women. Unless the text specifically refers to male or female persons, linguistic formulations are gender-neutral or abstract. Abbreviated forms, e.g. Besucher/innen in German, are to be taken as short for the full expression (in this case, Besucherinnen und Besucher or Besucher und Besucherinnen). Such abbreviations are frequently used for reasons of space and convenience, in accordance with the prevailing rules of German orthography.
DATA Protection
Please find our data protection regulations here.