The wall erected for protection can quickly become a prison wall, the protective big brother a prison warden, the liberator an aggressor. On our trip we repeatedly encounter the building material of “brick,” in the culturally and historically interesting brick lattices of farm buildings such as the Klingenstein Octagonal Barn, correspondingly in the media sculpture WINDOW (Joachim Baur, 2008) and in the assembly of 21 brick benches, a spatial poem in the forest (Pedro Cabrita Reis, 2021). In Aflenz we see a rudimentary brick structure, the Watchman House, a memorial sign [BD1] by Helmut & Johanna Kandl (2009) to the Mauthausen subcamp previously located here.
Locations: Graz – Vasoldsberg – Poppendorf – Bad Radkersburg – Aflenz – Graz
As part of the project N-O-S-W – Nie Ohne Seife Waschen 2022 thought of, visited, and presented by Alexandra Riewe.
Visit artworks by:
Joachim Baur, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Eduard Freudmann, Marlene Haring, Helmut & Johanna Kandl, Wolfgang Skala u. a.
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