
For us at Kunsthaus Graz, acting sustainably means looking not only at the relationship between people and nature but also at life in the urban community.

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Collaboration Project

Co-operation with initiatives in the city that campaign for fairer coexistence or those that are exclusively dedicated to people who do not automatically have access to all areas of social life is essential. We see the sustainable removal of barriers in the museum as an essential component of our educational work, which aims to be effective in the long term.


Chatting! And chat!

Museum as a language lab - Kunsthaus as a language lab


A programme for people with German as a foreign or second language

This programme includes content-related preparation for a visit to the Kunsthaus Graz by the Daf/Daz trainers from the Caritas Academy in the classroom and a subsequent dialogue workshop in the Kunsthaus with the art educators. The focus is on the linguistic exchange between all participants.

The worksheet ‘Welcome to the Kunsthaus Graz’ was designed jointly by art educators and Daf/Daz trainers. The guiding principle of the format is a light-hearted conversation that empowers and reverses roles.

With a tour through the architecture of the Kunsthaus and the current exhibitions, we give the participants the opportunity to have their say and thus try to actively reverse the power relationship between sender and receiver in various situations.

The workshop includes an arrival in Space03 (mediation room) and getting to know the group and the house in a protected setting. This will be followed by a tour of the exhibition and a practical part. We will be guided by the following questions: How do artists work? What do we learn through their art? What role does language play?

Concept and idea: Ahmad Darkhabani, Anna Döcker, Pia Razenberger (Kunsthaus Graz) and Renata Bionda (Caritas Academy)

Kunsthaus Graz in co-operation with the Caritas Academy



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St. Andrä secondary school

At MS St. Andrä, the artists Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler, their students from Vienna and Münster and the pupils and their teachers succeeded in developing a new design concept for the school playground. In a joint project week, we succeeded in realizing this project with our support from the museum.

As part of the Steiermark Schau project, a wall was designed and furniture was built in 2021. Mr Water will be added in spring 2022. Mr Water is an outdoor drinking water fountain that will be available to pupils in the courtyard with the generous support of the Graz Rotary Club. This fulfills one of the young people's greatest wishes and will bring lasting joy in two senses.

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Art and arts education for all


This ERASMUS+ project aims to promote the social inclusion of people with various disabilities, including cognitive disabilities, in line with the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.

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