Association of Friends

The association of friends is an important forum for open discussion in support of the fundamental aims of the institution, namely collecting, conserving, researching and supporting, exhibiting and presenting.

The Gesellschaft der Freunde der Neuen Galerie has existed since 1946 and actively participates in the cultural life of the province of Styria. Through its spiritual and financial support it contributes to helping the fine arts and connects art and society, given that social, commercial, socio-political and aesthetic questions are of fundamental relevance to both sides.

Its members are directly involved in events at the Neue Galerie and experience an exceptional level of access to art through direct contact with the artists themselves

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Become a member

By becoming a member you can exert a significant influence on the future of the Neue Galerie and associated cultural events. Your membership renders possible an up-to-date and broader level of involvement in modern and contemporary art in Styria. Your commitment helps to put art in the public eye, supports communication between those interested in art and dialogue between different forms of art. It is only through the contributions and donations of association members that important works can be acquired for the Neue Galerie's collection of contemporary art.

Your advantages as a member

Opportunity to preview at new exhibition openings.

Acquisition of works from special series by various artists at a discounted price.

Free copies of all Studio- and Hofgalerie-catalogues and folders published by the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Neuen Galerie, and discounted purchase of all catalogue books for Annual Members, Patrons, Sponsors and Donators.

Personal invitation to all events at the Neue Galerie such as exhibition openings, discussions with artists, symposia, film evenings, social evenings, presentation series.

If you're interested you can send your membership application directly to the 'Die Gesellschaft der Freunde der Neuen Galerie', or your print it and send the filled in application form.

You will receive a membership card which we ask you to present, along with your confirmation of payment, on your next visit to the Neue Galerie at the cah desk. Thus it can be stamped to confirm current year validity.

Declaration of Membership

Please transfer your membership fee to the 

Verein der Freunde der modernen und zeitgenössischen Kunst am Joanneum
(formerly Gesellschaft der Freunde der Neuen Galerie) 
Steiermärkische Sparkasse
Rathaus, Hauptplatz, A-8010 Graz
Kontonummer: 00000175000
Bankleitzahl: 20815
IBAN: AT502081500000175000, BIC: STSPAT2G

Verein der Freunde der modernen und zeitgenössischen Kunst am Joanneum


Joanneumsviertel 2
8010 Graz