Museum & Public Engagement

Bringing Museums to the People

12.10. - 15.10.2011



12.10. - 15.10.2011


Museumsakademie Joanneum, Exkursion


Glasgow Caledonian University Business School (UK)


140 €, ermäßigt 100 € (Die Ermäßigung gilt für Studierende, Volontär*innen, Arbeitssuchende und Mitarbeiter*innen von Kooperationspartner*innen des laufenden Jahres.)

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Über die

Glasgow is certainly one of the most interesting cities in Great Britain and, especially in the museums‘ sector, offers numerous showcase projects. An outstanding example of the democratisation in dealing with museum content is the new display of the collection of Glasgow’s largest museum, the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, with the successful involvement of local people during the entire renovation period. Based on this example, we will discuss on location with invited specialists terms such as ‘public engagement’ or ‘museum and civil society’ in the context of these latest developments. Together with our partner, the Glasgow Caledonian Business School, we have drawn up a seminar and programme of visits, which, apart from the innovative Open Museum, also includes classical locations of the Glasgow museums‘ world, such as the Glasgow School of Art (Charles Rene Macintosh) or the oldest museum in Scotland, the Hunterian, University of Glasgow.

Patricia Allerston Community Engagement Manager, National Museum of Scotland (GB)
Ian Baxter Glasgow Caledonian Business School (GB)
Martin Bellamy Head of Research, Glasgow Museums (GB)
Elaine Cabuts National Museums Wales (GB)
Liz Cameron former City Counselor (GB)
David Gaimster Director, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow (GB)
Chris Jamieson Museum Manager, Open Museum (GB)
John Lennon Glasgow Caledonian Business School (GB)
Bernadette Lynch Consultant (GB)
Ellen McAdam Head of Glasgow Museums (GB)
Christine MacLean Head of Education, National Galleries of Scotland (GB)
Christian Waltl Museumsakademie Joanneum, Graz (A)
Rosemarie Watt Riverside Museums Manager (GB)

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Museum & Public Engagement. Bringing Museums to the People