Limestone kiln


Built: 2018 (reconstruction from the 17th century)

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The lime kiln in the Austrian Open-Air Museum consists of a round shaft made of Gleinalm slate. Clay was used as mortar and the backfill is also made of clay. The diameter is 1.6 metres and the height is 2.5 metres. The rear sides are built against the mountain and are therefore well insulated. At the front is a lining wall with the fire hole and behind it is the fire chamber, which is about 40 cm deep. For the filling, large limestones are first stacked on top to form a vault and then the other limestones are inserted, with the size of the stones decreasing towards the top. Wooden pipes were installed at the edges to provide the smoke draught. The upper covering consists of spruce grass and old fat lime on top. The edge is covered with old roof tiles, which can be moved to control the smoke draught. The entire stove is protected by a roof.