Stages of the Enlightenment

Museums in Halle

16.04. - 17.04.2015

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16.04. - 17.04.2015


Museumsakademie Joanneum

Meeting point

Halle-on-the-Saale (DE)


180 €, reduced price 150 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

Please register via e-mail.





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About the

In Halle-on-the-Saale, several centuries of the history of science and education have left their mark on an astonishing number of cultural institutions, among them, a baroque cabinet of curiosities, teaching collections and school gardens, archives, libraries and museums. On our two-day trip, we will focus on the latter and analyse collections and museums on nature and culture as archives, laboratories and stages between a desire for encyclopaedic breadth and constant specialisation, antiquarian preservation and practical reality, and within the context of social reforms and social commitments. Together with local representatives, we will examine how the intellectual appropriation of the world is actually manifested in the historical and contemporary presentations, and how changing ideas of power, knowledge and society are reflected within them. We will visit and discuss the Meckel Collections of the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology as well as the Natural Science Collections of Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, the “Julius Kühn” Museum of Domestic Animals, the Franck Foundations in Halle: the cabinet of curiosities and the “stage-set” library (Kulissenbibliothek), the Geiseltal Museum, the “Eternal Rye trial” long-term experiment, the City Museum Halle, the Händel House as well as the State Museum of Prehistory.

Christiane Barth Custodian, Handel House, Halle (DE)
Helmut Eißner Head of the experimental field "Perpetual Rye Cultivation", Halle (DE)
Susanne Feldmann Curator, Halle City Museum (DE)
Meinolf Hellmund Curator Geiseltal Museum, Halle (DE)
Stefan Lehmann Director of the Robertinum Archaeological Museum, University of Halle-Wittenberg (DE)
Harald Meller Director of the State Museums of Prehistory, Halle (DE)
Thomas Müller-Bahlke Director Francke Foundations. Wunderkammer and Backdrop Library, Halle (DE)
Gert Richter Head of Museum and Collection, Handel House, Halle (DE)
Michael Ruprecht Head of Central Custody, University of Halle-Wittenberg (DE)
Renate Schafberg Head of Museum for Domestic Animal Science "Julius Kühn", Halle (DE)
Rüdiger Schultka Head of Meckel Collections, University of Halle-Wittenberg (DE)
Frank D. Steinheimer Head of Central Stacks Natural Science Collections, University of Halle-Wittenberg (DE)
Claus Veltmann Head of Exhibition Centre/Museum, Francke Foundations. Wunderkammer and Backdrop Library, Halle (DE)


Conception and design
Michael Fehr Managing Director of the Werkbundarchiv – Museum of Things, Berlin (DE)
Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen Head of the Museumsakademie Joanneum, Graz (AT)