If, how and why?

Museums shops between culture and consumption

31.01. - 01.02.2013

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31.01. - 01.02.2013


Museumsakademie Joanneum, Wien

Meeting point

Leopold Museum, Vienna (AT)


180 €, reduced fee 150 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

Please register via e-mail.






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About the

For many visitors, taking a final, leisurely stroll through the shop is a natural part of any museum visit. For museum professionals, however, the topic of the shop is a particularly tricky one: on the one hand, the shop is accepted as a natural service and its importance as probably the last impression on visitors before they go home is recognised. On the other hand, they see every day how challenging it really is to run a profitable shop, especially in museums with fewer visitors. Thinking of the shop as a profit centre often influences the range of products, which then leads, for example, to museum collections being offered as fakes that make for good souvenirs or to products that no longer have any recognizable connection whatsoever with the institution behind them. We would like to take a practical approach to the question of which tasks a museum shop can/should fulfil today and how it can be run and designed in order to 1) be profitable, and 2) act as a service that promotes visitor satisfaction and, at the same time, reflects the grandeur, content and style of the museum.

In cooperation with
Leopold Museum

Renate Buber Ass. Professor at the Department of Nonprofit Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business (AT)
Ulrike Burger Marketing and Shop Management, Wien Museum (AT)
Katrin Fuchs Head of Museum Shop, Albertina, Vienna (AT)
Florian Moritz Head of Marketing and Communication, MUMOK, Vienna (AT
Sabine Mosgöller Head of Shop, Kunsthalle Krems (AT)
Klaus Pichler-Szimak Head of Shops, Schloß Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna (AT)
Isabella Stoifl Coordination Shop, Leopold Museum, Vienna (AT)
Michael Wright Head of Retail, Glasgow Museums (UK)

Conception and design
Christian Waltl Museum Consultant, Klagenfurt (AT)