Renate Buber Ass. Professor at the Department of Nonprofit Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business (AT)
Ulrike Burger Marketing and Shop Management, Wien Museum (AT)
Katrin Fuchs Head of Museum Shop, Albertina, Vienna (AT)
Florian Moritz Head of Marketing and Communication, MUMOK, Vienna (AT
Sabine Mosgöller Head of Shop, Kunsthalle Krems (AT)
Klaus Pichler-Szimak Head of Shops, Schloß Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna (AT)
Isabella Stoifl Coordination Shop, Leopold Museum, Vienna (AT)
Michael Wright Head of Retail, Glasgow Museums (UK)
Conception and design
Christian Waltl Museum Consultant, Klagenfurt (AT)