Question? Mark!

A participatory project at CoSA-Plus

26.03.2024 - 04.05.2025

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26.03.2024 - 04.05.2025


CoSA - Center of Science Activities


Nikola Kroath


Timna Pachner with support of the CoSA-mediators

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About the

In the project Question? Mark!, visitors can ask their personal a technical or scientific question an get an answer from the CoSA-Team.

Board for Workers and Employees for Styria, AVL, Energie Steiermark

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Language: German

About the project

With the project Question : Sign?, we are dedicating a wall in the CoSA to visitors' technical and scientific questions. On their next visit, visitors can write their personal questions on a card and give them to the CoSA team. As a thank you, they will receive an exciting experiment to take home.

To answer the questions, we consult with experts from various fields. As drawings, sketches or illustrations, the drawings ultimately become part of a mural that changes and grows over time.

With the participatory project Question : Mark?, the CoSA wants to get in touch with its visitors and find out what people are dealing with on a daily basis in relation to scientific and technical topics.

Supported by:

University of Graz, TU Graz, Medical University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, The Space Research Institute, Joanneum Research, Montanuniversity Leoben, Law firm Semlitsch-Klobassa-Theissl, AGES Data & Statistics Services

The project will also take place online: