Team and Programme Comittee

Educational Service

Head Educational Service

Mag.a Nikola Kroath

Head of Paedagogy and Mediation CoSA and FRida and freD

Dr. Michael Pinter Bakk.

Head of Educational Service CoSA and Natural History Museum Graz


Michael Fellner, BA

Technical Support

Timna Pachner MA

Curatorial and organizing assistance CoSA

Žiga Čerpes BSc.

Animal Care (care of aquaria and fish)

Team Educational Service

Nikolas Gatterer

Sybille Göttfert

Katharina Kastner BA

Birgit Kniebeiß

Linda Konrad MA BA BA

Mag.a Petra Lindermann

Michael List

Okan Özaydin BSc BSc MSc

Peter Pessl

Valentina Telser

Niklas Waich BEd

Programme Comittee

FRida & freD – The Graz Children´s Museum:

Jörg Ehtreiber

Nikola Kroath

Bettina Deutsch-Dabernig

Gerlinde Andraschek

Claudia Scheibelhofer

Universalmuseum Joanneum:

Marko Mele

Daniel Kosta

Timna Pachner

Programme Comittee

The CoSA programme committee decides the entire annual programme content of the science centre. The programme has the basic goal of our science centre, to present scientific and technical content for our most important target group, young people of 12 years and older, at its core.

CoSA focuses on easy-to-understand, interactive and entertaining knowledge transfer - keyword: Edutainment.