Workshops and more

Here you will find an overview of our current programme formats and topics.

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Science Show

Join us in amazing, show-stopping experiments

Can science influence your willpower? How high does a fire tornado burn? Can you produce elephant toothpaste? Does a paper clip remember its shape?

Even chemistry can be fun and exciting! Our Explainers spectacularly stage experiments in front of an audience. Wow factor and interactivity included! A superb variety of topics provide lots of fun and entertainment.

This is how much time you will need: 30 minutes
Languages: German only!
Curated by Bettina Deutsch-Dabernig

Our Science Show takes place on Saturday and Sunday at 3.30 pm.
Details can be found in the programme.

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Programme requests

We are happy to receive your enquiries about our outreach activities.

Please contact us at least one week before your preferred date.

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