
Work between meaning and imbalance

01.05.2024 - 19.01.2025

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01.05.2024 - 19.01.2025


30.04.2024 19:00


Kunsthaus Graz


Katia Huemer


Martin Grabner

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About the

Yet despite the apparent freedom from rigid structures and time cards, many employees continue to struggle for fair conditions. Invisible work such as unpaid housework or care work, frequently carried out by women, is also a social problem at present and shows the need to address inequalities and exploitation. The struggle for higher wages now faces such terms as New Work, 4-day week and work-life balance. Are these just hollow phrases or realistic demands in a time of maximum stress?


Work is not just to be considered from the economic viewpoint, however; it can and should be a source of meaning and fulfilment, too. In modern-day consumerist society, in which people are focused on material possessions, work has turned into a mere means to an end, to enable consumption; yet a society in which work is no longer the central element in life could allow people more time for personal development, cultural activities and creative expression.


In a not-too-distant future, such technologies as AI and automation will continue to change the world of work and bring with them new challenges. These will once again necessitate both social and political discourse.


The exhibition examines the often precarious aspects of artistic and cultural work, posing questions about the blurring of boundaries between letting oneself be exploited and self-realisation. One part of the exhibition space is available for new productions and performative art projects, which will allow the exhibition to grow as it runs.


Parallel to the exhibition at the Kunsthaus Graz, the History Museum, in an exhibition titled It’s All Work, draws on historic press photographs from the Foto Blaschka agency to tell of the imbalance in the world of work and the massive inequalities between the sexes still existing today. A new artistic production based on the Blaschka Photo Archive will be on show in both exhibitions. A new artistic production based on the Blaschka Photo Archive will be on show in both exhibitions.




Exhibition artists:


Maja Bajević, Julien Berthier, Louisa Clement, Manuel Correa & Marina Otero Verzier, Jeremy Deller, Antje Ehmann & Harun Farocki, Aldo Giannotti, Liam Gillick, Lisa Großkopf, Andreas Gursky, Theresa Hattinger & Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel, Tehching Hsieh, Johanna Kandl, Peter Kogler, KURS (Miloš Miletić, Mirjana Radovanović), Luiza Margan, Pia Mayrwöger, Sam Meech, Michail Michailov, Elisa Giardina Papa, Nika Radić, Martha Rosler, Sebastian Schmieg & Silvio Lorusso, Christoph Schwarz, Selma Selman, Santiago Sierra, Lia Sudermann & Simon Nagy, Oliver Walker

The exhibition "24/7" is a cooperation with "Alles Arbeit" at the Museum für Geschichte.

Martin Grabner (curatorial assistant), Andreja Hribernik (director of Kunsthaus Graz) and Katia Huemer (curator) in the exhibition “24/7. Work between the creation of meaning and the dissolution of boundaries” at Kunsthaus Graz (from left).

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Exhibition view “24/7. Work between meaning and imbalance”: Antje Ehmann, Harun Farocki "Labour in a Single Shot" 2011

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Ausstellungsansicht im Foyer des Kunsthauses, 24/7, Kunsthaus Graz 2024, Jeremy Dellers "Hello, today you have day off"

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24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung. Sam Meech. Punchcard Economy: 8 Hours Labour, Kunsthaus Graz 2024

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Exhibition view “24/7. Work between meaning and imbalance” , with a work by Theresa Hattinger & Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel

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Installationsansichten, 24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung, Kunsthaus Graz, 2024

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Ausstellungsansicht „24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung“

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24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung. Sam Meech. Punchcard Economy: 8 Hours Labour, Kunsthaus Graz 2024

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Ausstellungsansicht "24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung"

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Detailansicht, Silvio Lorusso, Sebastian Schmieg, Five Years of Captured Captchas, 2017, Kunsthaus Graz 2024

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Eröffnung, 24/7

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Ausstellungsansicht „24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung“

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Ausstellungsansicht „24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung“, mit einer Arbeit von Theresa Hattinger & Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel

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We have always received something in exchange that we lived*. On laziness.

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Theresa Hattinger, Michael Hieslmair, Michael Zinganel, Windhosen: Richtungswechsel, 2024 ©Bildrecht, Wien 2024

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Ausstellungsansicht „24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung“, "Tehching Hsieh: One Year Performance, 1980-1981"

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Ausstellungsansicht „24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung" mit "Lisa Großkopf, She Works Hard for the Money, 2023"

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Ausstellungsansicht „24/7. Arbeit zwischen Sinnstiftung und Entgrenzung"

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Künstler*innen-Duo KURS

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Luzia Margan

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Simon Nagy and Lia Sudermann

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Nika Radic

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Aldo Giannotti

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Lisa Großkopf

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Michail Michailov

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Michael Hieslmair, Theresa Hattinger und Michael Zinganel

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Christoph Schwarz

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Oliver Walker

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Santiago Sierra

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Johanna Kandl

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Oliver Walker in front of his installation “One Euro, 2015”

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Lia Sudermann & Simon Nagy's video “Kein Wunder, 2024” builds a bridge between the exhibitions “It's All Work” at the History Museum and “24/7. work between meaning and imbalance” at Kunsthaus Graz.

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Opening: 24/7 Work between meaning and imbalance

Work between meaning and imbalance


In times of permanent availability and working from home, traditional working hours are no longer the norm. It is possible to consume around the clock - so it is also possible to work 24/7*. Bicycle messengers, once a resistant symbol of self-determined work and non-conformity, are now part of the digital delivery revolution and dominate the image of Western cities dressed in bright colours. The understanding of the term ‘flexibility’ has changed, even in reverse. It is no longer negotiated for the benefit of both sides, but is instead unilaterally expected of employees. Despite - or perhaps because of - the apparent freedom from rigid structures and time cards, many workers continue to fight for fair conditions.


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