Marko Batista
Marko Batista's new video work presented in Pixel Tattoos is part of the series entitled "Displaced Objects and Hybrid Structures" in which the author focuses on the idea of tactical transportation and cybernetic mobility through specific modular events. Using contemporary architectural environments Batista introduces visual intervention as part of the hybrid structure based on so-called ‘meta' relations and objects as being simultaneously real, social, and discursive formations. Artist, media theorist, and researcher Trebor Scholz explains that "Distributed real-time interaction strategies and negotiations for data sharing and processing are examples of dynamic systems with a high degree of complexity, just as culture itself can be viewed as a highly complex system."
Igor Štromajer
The Condition of the Working Class in England
Working Men! To you I dedicate a work, a faithful picture of your condition, of your sufferings and struggles, of your hopes and prospects. I wanted to see you in your own homes, to observe you in your everyday life, to chat with you on your condition and grievances, to witness your struggles against the social and political power of your oppressors. Having, at the same time, ample opportunity to watch the middle-classes, your opponents, I soon came to the conclusion that you are perfectly right in expecting no support whatsoever from them. Their interests are diametrically opposed to yours. Their doings give them the lie. Have they ever paid any serious attention to your grievances? Indeed not, those are things they do not like to speak of - they have left it to a foreigner to inform the civilised world of the degrading situation you have to live in. Go on then, as you have done hitherto. Much remains to be undergone; be firm, be undaunted - your success is certain, and no step you will have to take in your onward march will be lost to our common cause, the cause of Humanity!
Neven Korda
The Same New Story
Disorderly, perfect, difficult, speedy, hazy, stupid, banal.
The same new story. Do you love me? Can I trust you? We are talking about a modern attitude, modern immortality, modern future, modern fear, modern man, modern ...
O. K. The Greeks were important. The Egyptians also. And the Babylonians, too. But why are they so important? The Romans built the roads and they were also important ¬- but why is that so? Cool, religious people, especially Jews, Christians and Muslims were important - but why? Hinduism, Buddhism were interesting and not so important - but why? The Nazis were dangerous but important, communists were not so important - but why dangerous?
"The Same New Story" project consists of 176 words lying in a psd file - a job from 2003. This 3280 x 2460 pixels picture moves across a 960 x 370 screen hole (the BIX façade). In addition to it, there is a 720 x 576 pixels moving stream picture found in Genet's film.
Luka Prinčič / Nova deViator
The basic questioning, almost a frustration behind this work is the struggle of how to ask questions (a contemporary art practice!) through a monster which is the facade of Graz's Kunsthaus. How is it, that a multimedia artist is faced with a challenge to ask something on a 56x25 resolution gray-scale display in times of HDTV (1920×1080 in millions of colours)? Sure, we love lo-fi and old-school pixel-art, we really do, but we need to focus on monstrosity ... How can an artist ask a question if a man is really an Oedipalized animal through a device which is interesting only because it has 930 neon lights that can flash as fast as 20 times per second in any intensity or because it is on a house dedicated to the presentation and promotion of contemporary artistic production? Super toy or something to behold?