Be radically honest and share your imperfections on and under #lieblingsmakel! - Why?
Your favourite flaws will soon be displayed on one of the largest non-commercial "screens" in the city of Graz (900 m² surface area). "Flaws are a quality of something that appears imperfect and lowers its value. They are only made into such in a community or society," says Katharina Diem and continues: "Yet it is precisely these 'flaws' that give us an identity, that give us something distinctive and that prevent us from disappearing into a mass of people standardised according to ideals."
On Instagram or Facebook, there are numerous profiles of "perfect" people who are beautiful, go on spectacular holidays, prepare the healthiest (and prettiest) food, have the best and most beautiful friends, children or pets, etc. These are images that many people like to make of themselves for others. It is, among other things, the task of artists to ask what is not shown. What images of a society are we leaving behind for future generations and how will they interpret the private photographs published on the Internet? What do these images say about our zeitgeist? How true are these images?
Between all the “perfect” pictures, it may be unusual to post your jumbo ears, crooked toes and crooked teeth on Instagram, which may not correspond to Western European beauty ideals, but instead show a refreshingly honest picture.
“It is high time to establish a new approach to the truth. Constantly following the path of white lies, polite untruths and outright lies makes you unhappy. In times of fake news, alternative truths and post-truth, honesty is becoming an increasingly rare commodity,” wrote futurologist Tristan Horx in his newsletter a few weeks ago. Being radically honest is a challenging, not always easy, but exciting goal that the Lieblingsmakel (Favorite Flaw) project meets.
Supposedly, being honest with yourself makes you happier in the long run, Horx continues. After all, happiness is a value that will probably always be in vogue.
Why should my favorite flaw be on the BIX of the Kunsthaus?
The BIX Media Facade is a communication tool from the Kunsthaus Graz into the urban space. The BIX is intended to make what happens in the Kunsthaus visible to the outside world. Interactive projects such as Lieblingsmakel enable the public to participate in the communication of the Kunsthaus and its contents. Lieblingsmakel is part of the performance series I don’t think I’m trying to commit suicide. Between June 31 and June 1, 2019, several performances on the theme of body and space will take place at the Kunsthaus. The focus will be on social role models, gender relations and the human body. These wide-ranging themes are reflected at BIX as part of the Lieblingsmakel project.