Kateryna Lysovenko: Paint Anyway

A mural for the Kunsthaus Graz

03.08. - 11.09.2022

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03.08. - 11.09.2022


Kunsthaus Graz, Foyer

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About the

In her painting and performances, Lysovenko resists the norms of the art academy, works repeatedly and subversively in public space against religious and political propaganda, but also against the suppression.

Shameless earth does not remain dead for too long

It's outrageous how trees regenerate and turn green after being carpet bombed.

Lost people live in cities called dead, they are searching for water and food, they die during the search.

In poetry, in religious texts, when a great evil occurs the sky darkens, the sun does not rise, the birds fall silent, but on this side of the texts there is no evil after which the sun would not rise, and there is no such evil in which the surviving people are not doomed to live.

So far, even the most difficult conditions in the world could not be called untenable for life. Since people can change the conditions of life for themselves and those around them, they have no right to call the land or cities dead. By calling something dead, you relieve yourself of the responsibility for what happens in the ‘dead’ zone.

Since people can change the conditions of life for themselves and those around them, one cannot evade responsibility for what conditions are created in certain places. After all, you can live in a very, very different way, to the point where that living is almost complete indistinguishable from death.
 - Kateryna Lysovenko