The art of being governed

Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond

01.09. - 30.09.2019

Image Credits


01.09. - 30.09.2019


Kunsthaus Graz


Katrin Bucher Trantow

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About the

The artist duo Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond are developing the video and media work "Die Kunst, regiert zu werden" for the Kunsthaus Graz for the communication channels Facebook and Instagram as a trend-setting art project in public digital space.

Further information

Location: on the social media channels of the Kunsthaus Graz

What is criticism

The Humanic adverts (1969-1995), which brought contemporary art and literature to television in advertising spaces, are a historical model. This project works in a similar way, but utilises the public digital space.

Anderwald + Grond will create five contributions based on Michel Foucault's speech "What is criticism?" as a space for low-threshold, public communication exchange. Using the principle of montage, the question of how we want to be governed will be juxtaposed with images from the public digital space (e.g. YouTube) and interpreted and reflected upon beyond the boundaries of the conventional level of meaning. Formally, the short video works are based on Alexander Kluge's minute films.

These video contributions will be placed on Facebook and Instagram advertising spaces in September 2019 and also posted on the social media channels of the Kunsthaus Graz.

The art project Die Kunst, regiert zuwerden is an innovative experiment by Kunsthaus Graz to reflect the accounts on Facebook and Instagram as art-producing media.

The art of being governed: This is not me, part 1

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