With the multi-part Strobl memorial, Iris Andraschek was unanimously selected by a six-member jury as the winner of the invited competition "A memorial for Helmut Strobl at the Kunsthaus Graz". The project consists of a light and sound work in the foyer of the Kunsthaus Graz and an annual poster campaign in the city around Human Rights Day.
On the one hand: a permanently mounted lettering made of illuminated letters in the foyer
Strobl. With this illuminated lettering in the foyer of the Kunsthaus, which looks like both an advert and a signature, Helmut Strobl is not only present at the entrance to the building. Without first names, the lettering refers to many people with the same name. The work thus succeeds in broadening the thematic focus of remembrance and identification - entirely in the spirit of Helmut Strobl, who placed his work at the service of others and did not take himself too seriously. Andraschek thus also opens up the idea of the memorial to Denk mal! in the sense of an impulse. The illuminated inscription is positioned in the foyer to the left of the main entrance on Lendkai between the inside and outside and can therefore also be seen when passing by and at night.
On the other hand: Sound work and poster series
Helmut Strobl's characteristic and memorable voice emanates from a small opening in the wall below the lettering. With the involvement of family and friends, the artist will select excerpts from speeches, interview and conversation fragments.
The 30-part poster series will run for six years and is based on the 30 articles of the Declaration of Human Rights. Every year until 2026, Iris Andraschek will develop five human rights visually and in terms of content and interweave them with images of personal objects, photographs and word documents by Helmut Strobl. The posters will be displayed annually around 10 December, Human Rights Day, at selected locations in the city.
Graphic design of the poster series: Karin Holzfeind