The Queer Museum

Interventions in collective memory

12.03. - 13.03.2020

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12.03. - 13.03.2020


Museumsakademie Joanneum

Meeting point

Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge, Berlin (DE)


190 €, reduced fee 140 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

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About the

Museums enjoy a high level of credibility: they are attributed with the potential to reinforce values like diversity, participation, and openness in a society. Historically, however, museums have tended to be representatives of normative values. Collections and exhibitions generally reflect patriarchal, binary, and heterosexual gender norms. But what about ways of life and identity constructions beyond this ‘heterosexual matrix’? If museums tend to portray heteronormative images, this raises the question of alternative approaches. In this workshop, we will examine possibilities of incorporating queer content in museums. We will explore ways of pluralizing narratives and discuss unresolved questions such as: How are the stories of lesbian, gay, trans-, bi-, and intersexual participants included, documented, researched, represented, and communicated? How is it possible to disrupt images of hegemonic masculinity and femininity in collections and exhibitions? What alternative bodies of knowledge are there, and what are their limits? What issues can be addressed using an intersectional focus, and how does the relationship between the audience and the museum change because of it? Using a combination of theory and practice, we will survey the field of queer museum work and explore the qualities, challenges, and potentials of gender-sensitive collection, exhibition, and education.

Yasmina Bellounar Educator and curator, Jugend Museum Schöneberg, Berlin (DE)
Andrea Günther Research Associate lab.Bode -Initiative to strengthen education work in museums, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (DE)
Christine van Haaren Head of Education and Outreach, Berlinische Galerie -Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur, Berlin (DE)
Hannes Hacke Curator & Research Associate, Research Centre for the Cultural History of Sexuality - Humboldt University, Berlin (DE)
Carina Klugbauer Curator, Gay Museum, Berlin (DE)
María López-Fanjul y Díez del Corral Curator for Outreach, Bode-Museum -Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (De)
Sandra Ortmann freelance curator for education and outreach, Berlin (DE)

Organisers of the workshop
Jana Wittenzellner curator, Museum of European Cultures - National Museums in Berlin, Berlin (DE)
Karoline Boehm management team, Museumsakademie Joanneum, Graz (AT)