Racing standstill

The museum is movement

17.09. - 18.09.2015

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17.09. - 18.09.2015


Museumsakademie Joanneum

Meeting point

Hamburg (DE)


180 €, reduced price 150 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

Please register via e-mail.





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About the

Arranging and arresting: These activities have shaped the image of museums since their inception. Yet activities such as acquiring, collecting, combining and re-sorting have been no less central to the action behind museum walls. On a fact-finding mission through selected museums in Hamburg, we together with local experts will explore the movements of things, knowledge and everyday practices, people and points of view, without which museum collections would never have come about and research results or exhibition narratives would have been unthinkable today. We will not only examine the historical contexts behind the creation of the institutions in Hamburg, which have been significantly influenced by mobility, as well as distinctive intrainstitutional/inner-city movements in and between the display cases, but also the current mobility requirements facing museums in light of the use of digital media, links to urban space via apps or the necessary flexibility in terms of narrative styles and perspectives.

Felix Fiedler Research assistant, city curator. Initiative project of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (DE) 
Sophie Goltz Artistic director, city curator. Initiative project of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (DE) 
Frank Hildebrandt Curator Collection of Antiquities, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg (DE)
Franka Schneider Research Associate, Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt University Berlin (DE) 
Rita Strate Elbinsel Kalkhofe, Hamburg (DE)
Lydia Struck Cultural anthropologist & author, and member of the Speicherstadtmuseum management team, Hamburg (DE)
Iris Wenderholm Professor, European Art History of the Early Modern Period and DFG project "natura-materia-artificio", University of Hamburg (DE)
Ralf Wiechmann Acting Director of the Hamburg Museum, Hamburg (DE)
Lena Wulf Cultural anthropologist, final thesis on apps in Hamburg museums, Hamburg (DE)


Conception and design
Kerstin Poehls Professor, Institute for Folklore/Cultural Anthropology of the University of Hamburg (DE)
Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen Head of the Museumsakademie Joanneum, Graz (AT)