On second thought

Curatorial reconsiderations of collections

11.04. - 12.04.2013

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11.04. - 12.04.2013


Museumsakademie Joanneum, Frankfurt am Main

Meeting point

Historisches Museum Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (GER)


180 €, reduced fee 150 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

Please register via e-mail.



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About the

Museums primarily define themselves through their collections. The public is often told that one of the reasons for the expensive conversation of such collections is that the viewing of art works, for instance, is a joy and a pleasure, or that new knowledge can continually be gained from collections, which, when presented in the form of exhibitions, promises the public new potential insights. However, the things stored in museum depots often reflect both subjective as well as expert collecting criteria and do not always seem to represent the interests of people today. Focusing specifically on collections such as these, we would like to explore the ways in which existing collections can be dealt with today on the conceptual level – with imagination and reason as well as skill and dexterity. What happens when researchers, mediators, artists etc. work on presenting collections in a new way? What methods of investigation are generalisable, and what perspectives, approaches, and strategies of dealing with collections might be worthwhile for both the cultural as well as natural sciences? We will go on a fact-finding mission based on the practices of selected museums in Frankfurt.

In cooperation with
Historisches Museum Frankfurt

Lorraine Bluche Exhibition curator, Berlin (GER)
Judith Blume PhD scholarship holder, Department of History, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Clémentine Deliss Director Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Claudia Dillmann Director of the German Film Museum, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Renate Flagmeier Head Curator Museum der Dinge, Berlin (GER)
Larissa Förster Research Associate, International Research Centre Morphomata, University of Cologne (GER)
Christine Gerbich Sociologist and communication scientist and currently Doctoral Fellow of the TOPOI (Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies) excellence cluster, Berlin (GER)
Jan Gerchow Director historisches museum frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Susanne Gesser Head of kinder museum frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Frank Gnegel Head of Collection, Museum for Communication Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Nina Gorgus Curator historisches museum frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Beat Hächler Director of the Alpine Museum of Switzerland, Bern (CH)
Vera Hierholzer Research Associate, Department of History, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Otto Hochreiter Director GrazMuseum, Graz (AT)
Susan Kamel Museum scholar and curator, Technical University of Berlin, Museum of Islamic Art Berlin (GER)
Sabine Kößling Curator, Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Felix Krämer Head of Modern Art, Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main (GER)​​​​​​​
Frauke Miera Exhibition Curator, Berlin (GER)
Lisa Regazzoni Post-doctoral Fellow of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Matthias Wagner K Director Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Bettina Werche Head of the Goethe National Museum Department, Klassik Stiftung Weimar (GER)

Conception and design​​​​​​​
Angela Jannelli curator Historical Museum Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen Museum Academy Joanneum, Graz (AT)