Making history more contemporary

Learning history in the museum

18.05. - 19.05.2017

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18.05. - 19.05.2017


Museumsakademie Joanneum

Meeting point

Jewish Museum Vienna (A)


180 €, reduced fee 150 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

Please register via e-mail.




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About the

In the 2016/17 school year, a new curriculum for history, social studies and political education went into effect in Austria. The aim of the new curriculum is to foster a “reflective and (self)-reflexive awareness of history and politics” in young people. Together with educational and museum experts we will discuss the contribution museums can make towards achieving this goal as places of learning outside the classroom. What possibilities do examining authentic objects and learning “at the original location” open up? How do museums create a positive setting for dealing with controversial topics? What opportunities does a combination of science and an artistic/aesthetic approach present for helping 12-18 year olds learn about history in a pluralistic society?

In cooperation with
Jewisch Museum Vienna and KulturKontakt Austria

Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen Director of the Joanneum Museum Academy, Graz (AT)
Renate Höllwart Art and cultural mediator, trafo.K office, Vienna (AT)
Robert Hummer Head of Education & Communication, Museum Arbeitswelt, Steyr (AT)
Jan Krebs Head of Learning Centre 7xjung, Gesicht Zeigen! For an open-minded Germany e.V., Berlin (DE)
Christoph Kühberger Professor of History and Political Didactics, Salzburg University of Education (AT)
Hannah Landsmann Head of Communication and Education, Jewish Museum Vienna (AT)
Anita Niegelhell Head of Education, Department of Cultural History, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz (AT)
Ellen Roters Director Jugend Museum Berlin (DE)
Carmen Smiatacz Historian and political scientist, Geschichtomat, Hamburg (DE)


Eva Kolm Project coordinator, KulturKontakt Austria, Wien (AT)
Christoph Pietrucha Museumsakademie Joanneum, Graz (AT)