Changing Worlds

Globes and Maps in Exhibitions (CANCELLED)

19.10. - 20.10.2017

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19.10. - 20.10.2017


Museumsakademie Joanneum

Meeting point

German Museum of Books and Writing, Leipzig (DE)


180 €, reduced fee 150 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

Please register via e-mail.


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About the

Besides maps and atlases, historical terrestrial and celestial globes depict the way in which time and space were constructed mathematically and represented in multiple dimensions. Because these cartographic repositories of knowledge are equally interesting as historical models of science and technology, the cultural sciences, and aesthetics, we would like to deal with the following questions, among others, in this event: How can maps and globes best be used to convey historical world views in the context of the development of scientific disciplines? How did they influence education and what role do they play in imparting knowledge today? What benefits does the 3D digitization of historical world models promise and what enables their virtual presentation? What contemporary visualization methods help represent the appearance and complexity of the world?

In cooperation with
German Museum of Books and Writing

Michael Bischoff Exhibition Curator, Lemgo & Berlin (DE)
Andreas Christoph Historian of science and cartography, Jena (DE)
Wolfram Dolz Senior Curator at the Mathematical-Physical Salon, SKD Dresden (DE)
Stephanie Jacobs Director of the German Museum of Books and Writing, Leipzig (DE)
Nanne Meyer Emeritus Professor of Art, Berlin (DE)
Jan Mokre Director of the Globe Museum, Vienna (AT)
Julia Mia Stirnemann Graphic and communication designer, Zurich (CH)
Nives Widauer Installation artist, Vienna (AT)

Event management
Andreas Christoph Historian of science and cartography, Jena (DE)