Michael Annoff Cultural anthropologist*, curator* and artist*, Berlin (DE)
Robin Coenen Information designer, visual intelligence, Berlin (DE)
Agathe Conradi Museum Director, Treptow-Köpenick Museums, Berlin (DE)
Elisabeth Krämer Project Coordinator and Curator, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (DE)
Uwe Moldrzyk Head of Exhibition Development, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (DE)
Danielle Rosales Graphic designer and sociologist, visual intelligence, Berlin (DE)
Anna Yeboah Overall Coordinator Dekoloniale, Berlin (DE)
Organisers of the workshop
Annette Löseke Lecturer in Creative and Cultural Industries, University of Sheffield (UK)
Karoline Boehm Management Team, Museumsakademie Joanneum, Graz (AT)