25.04. - 07.01.
04.10. - 14.01.
The year of the pandemic, 2020, was also a year of pornography and discussions around porn: during the first lockdown, Pornhub was already included, in the business news, among those companies that had profited from the ban on contact with others and general boredom. Eight months later, the New York Times alleged that the platform was ‘flooded’ with rape videos, revenge videos and ‘authentic’ depictions of violence.
01.06. - 10.03.
All people are equal! Sadly, however, this does not mean that everyone is treated equally in daily life.
02.07. - 19.01.
The Folk Life Museum at the Paulustor puts the rainbow at the heart of a special exhibition and seeks answers to questions about a physical phenomenon with unsurpassed symbolic power.
10.04. - 31.10.
The exhibition undertakes a survey of the current social situation and cultural forms of expression, linking these how a Central European region sees and perceives itself, one which also enjoys especial popularity as a tourist destination.
11.04. - 06.01.
This exhibition follows the trail of the petrol station from the very outset, via technical and architectural innovations, up to its role as a substitute shop and local centre of communication following the disappearance of grocers and inns.
30.06. - 30.12.
What do people do in bed? This object is far more than just a piece of furniture.
20.03. - 06.01.
The exhibition is part of the thematic focus on ‘Landscape’ that is being taken up at several Universalmuseum Joanneum locations throughout 2015.
28.03. - 30.11.
The Folk Life Museum owns an extensive collection of objects from the 18th to the early 20th century, which are described as superstitious, folkloristic or simply as magical cures.
01.01. - 06.01.
The permanent exhibition at the Folk Life Museum focuses thematically on three areas – The Home, Dress and Beliefs. These themes are represented by everyday things particularly of the pre-industrial period.
01.03. - 30.11.
This exhibition is an invitation to think about the way we use time and to track down islands of autonomy that stand above the stream of time.
19.11. - 09.01.
"Christmas Presents" traces a tortuous path through European cultural history, on the trail of a phenomenon whose religious roots are scarcely discernible any more.
16.02. - 26.10.
A collaborative exhibition between the Office of Memories and the Folk Life Museum
20.11. - 10.01.
The Krampus is among the most fascinating figures in Austrian traditional life. A new exhibition at the Folk Life Museum features impressive examples from the private Wabitsch collection.