
Management and curators

Universalmuseum Joanneum

Dr. Claudia Unger

Head of department Folk Life: Folk Life Museum and Open-Air Museum Stübing

Dr. Birgit Johler


Mag. Martina Edler

Collection Curator, Library/Archives

DI Patricia Wess, MA

Project Coordination Folk Life Museum and SHOWING STYRIA

Johannes Maier, BA

Curatorial assistance, Public relations

Universalmuseum Joanneum

Dr. Eva Kreissl

Volunteer curator

Office management und museum service

Walter Schweiger

Office Manager

Barbara Vogt

Restorer, collection care

Ursula Grilnauer

Restorer, Photo archive, collection care

Nikolaus Vodopivec


Universalmuseum Joanneum

Karl Stering

Volunteer collection caretaker

Universalmuseum Joanneum

Hannah Pilgram

Public relations, assistance for library/archives and collection


In the past years, the following employees have worked for the Folklore Museum within the framework of volunteer positions and projects:
Elisabeth Köck (Volunteer), Elisabeth Luggauer (Volunteer), Harald Tomberger (Volunteer), Dr. Gabriele Ponisch (Project "Superstition"), Dr. Michael Greger (Projec "Superstition"), Mag. Karin Estl (Project "Franz Ferk Nachlass"), Gerhild Rotter (Volunteer), Marija Krstic (Volunteer), Katharina Riegler (Volunteer), Renate Mahmoud (Volunteer), Michael Orac (Volunteer), Martina Trolp ( Volunteer), Alina Rettenwander (Volunteer), Johanna Resel (Volunteer), Corinna Zagorz (Volunteer).
We would like to express our sincere thanks for their dedicated cooperation!


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