
Call for Digital Self-Defence

06.07.2024 - 09.03.2025

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06.07.2024 - 09.03.2025


05.07.2024 19:00


Folk Life Museum

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About the

This interdisciplinary exhibition addresses the theme of digital dictatorship as well as the question of autonomy and the development of strategies for digital self-defence. Our world is moving with incredible speed towards an absolute monopoly of global digital players. The gold: data. The result: total control, needs-creating machinery generated by algorithms and the loss of any form of private sphere. Trust is the staple diet, we can assume responsibility as users, promises should be kept, and anger and impotence are what we feel due to the permanent misuse of our trust.


With art objects, interactive installations, objects from the museum’s collection, workshops, performances, artists’ talks and lectures, the exhibition moves along these lines to provide a glimpse behind the surface, offering guidance on digital self-defence with the accompanying handbook.


Claudia Unger, Leiterin der Abteilung Volkskunde, Kuratorin Elisabeth Schimana, v.l.

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Das Team des Volkskundemuseums, Johannes Maier, Claudia Unger (Leiterin), Patricia Wess, Kuratorin Elisabeth Schimana, Birgit Johler (Volkskundemuseum) und Norbert Math (Videotechnik und Programmierung), v.l.

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Ausstellungsansicht "DigiDic" im Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor

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Ausstellungsansicht "DigiDic" im Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor

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Ausstellungsansicht "DigiDic" im Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor

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Ausstellungsansicht "DigiDic" im Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor

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Ausstellungsansicht "DigiDic" im Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor

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Data Detox Bar in der Ausstellung "DigiDic" im Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor

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Ausstellungsansicht "DigiDic" im Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor

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"Catch me! Because you can" in der Ausstellung DigiDic

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"Catch me! Because you can" in der Ausstellung DigiDic

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