
Discover the world of medical research

About the Spaces Expand Box

When you buy a CoSA Basic Ticket, you will be able to visit eight exciting CoSA spaces, which immerse you in topics relating to science and technology in different ways and you do it yourself without needing a guide:


The CoSA_Experimentarium is a cabinet of wonders full of scientific phenomena and discoveries! You can experience the world of medicine in the CoSA_MedLab.

TheCoSA_Technology space allows you to develop a fantastic vehicle, and the name-giving topic is playfully explored at CoSA_Sustainability. Exciting tasks are waiting to be solved at the CoSA_Workshop. In CoSA_DIY, the name says it all: "Do it yourself”!
You can take a trip far out into space and down to the deep-sea depths at CoSA_Visions: These uncharted worlds will make you feel as if you are experiencing a dream or a vision.

Changing special exhibitions are presented at CoSA_Plus, all showing, among many other things, real practical implementation examples from research and technology.

In addition, CoSA_Community invites you to linger, network, brainstorm or chill, and also offers space for the special events of our cooperation partners, guests from companies or universities. Use our Professions Terminal to find out all about different professions. "Courage pays off!" This is our motto as we invite young entrepreneurs to present their ideas and inventions at CoSA_Community.

Join us on a medical expedition!

At the CoSA_MedLab, you can slip into the shoes of a medical professional. As a doctor, lab technician or scientist, you’ll have a chance to immerse yourself in the world of medical research that is highly technical yet very human. Learn more about diseases and what causes them, the inner workings of the human body and methods of healing and improving the quality of life. On your research trip, you will learn more about everyday life in the hospital: Make your rounds at the ward, take blood samples, carry out various examinations, conduct research in the laboratory and make diagnoses – this medical experience introduces you to various methods, procedures and facts, but also the people behind them.

This is how much time you will need: 60 minutes
Languages: German, English
Curated by Nikola Köhler-Kroath
Design: Frühmann | Haas | Ivanova
