The Austrian Open-Air Museum offers a stage for various art forms in the spirit of crossover! Whether theatre performances, readings or concerts, voices and sounds in the midst of the historic house landscapes enliven the museum in a unique way.
The Austrian Open-Air Museum offers a stage for various art forms in the spirit of crossover! Whether theatre performances, readings or concerts, voices and sounds in the midst of the historic house landscapes enliven the museum in a unique way.
Image Credits
As a guest in Stübing - Theater Quadrat
Theatervorstellung von Thomas Bernhard: Die Ursache
Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing
26.04. - 08.05.2024
As a guest in Stübing - Voices of Spirit
Das Chorfestival ist mit einem Konzert zu Gast in Stübing
Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing
Promotion day
As a guest in Stübing - Folklore Global
Internationale Tanz- und Musikgruppen präsentieren sich im Freilichtmuseum
Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing