Berglerhaus, Neustift near Güssing


Built: End of 18th century
Year of transmission: 1966

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The small-scale, single-storey courtyard with access from the eaves combines a parlour, smokehouse, chamber, stable and barn in a row along the ridge line. The log construction is plastered and whitewashed with a mixture of clay and chaff. 

You enter the house through the kitchen, where there is an open hearth and oven. The parlour stove is also heated from the kitchen, so that the smoke from all the fireplaces escapes through the wooden chimney from the "black kitchen" into the open air. With its simple furnishings, the timbered but whitewashed parlour conveys the atmosphere of a modest living room/bedroom. The scissor-joch roof is thatched.

The Berglerhaus is one of the last of this type of house in southern Burgenland and a remarkable example of the modest economic conditions in Burgenland.

Views of the Berglerhaus, Neustift near Güssing

Berglerhaus, Neustift bei Güssing, Burgenland

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Berglerhaus, Neustift bei Güssing, Burgenland

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Berglerhaus, Neustift bei Güssing, Burgenland

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