Vineyard cottage, Tieschen near Bad Radkersburg

Styria (Historical buildings from Western Styria)

Built: 1564 (1551)
Year of transmission: 1963

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The building, first mentioned in a document in 1564, has retained its medieval character. The house is built from roughly hewn oak timbers in a log construction and a plank frame construction. The elongated, archaic-looking building combines parlour, pressing room and cellar rooms in the ridge direction.

It is a classic example of a particular type of timber construction that unites several independent room elements into one building through a common roof. As it was not possible to achieve a tightly jointed log construction with the oak timbers, the spaces between the carpentry wreaths in the parlour were sealed with a mixture of clay and chaff.

The scissor roof, known locally as the ‘Rafendach’, has been preserved in its original form and is thatched. The Tieschen vineyard house survived the Kuruzzen invasions of 1706 and was used by its owners to press and store wine until 1964.

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Weingartenhaus, Tieschen bei Bad Radkersburg, Steiermark

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Weingartenhaus, Tieschen bei Bad Radkersburg, Steiermark

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Weingartenhaus, Tieschen bei Bad Radkersburg, Steiermark

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