Wilhelm Thöny

Under the Spell of Modernism

24.05.2013 - 06.01.2014

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24.05.2013 - 06.01.2014


23.05.2013, 19 Uhr


Neue Galerie Graz


Günther Holler-Schuster, Christa Steinle

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About the

With this comprehensive exhibition and the catalogue raisonné that accompanies it, a long-held wish on the part of the Neue Galerie Graz and the public is finally realised, enabling an Austrian pioneer of Modernism once again to be brought closer to a wider audience.

The planned research project with accompanying exhibition attempts to fill the partially large gaps in the artist’s biography; moreover, it seeks to consolidate the work, which up to now has only been presented and published in portions.

As Thöny was born in Graz, and not only spent a part of his life in the city, cultivating personal contacts here, but set in motion key cultural-political initiatives (founding the Grazer Secession in 1923), it is of particular importance for the Neue Galerie Graz that the research into the man and artist that was Wilhelm Thöny be made as up to date as possible.


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Wilhelm Thöny, Dame im Zoo (Jardin des Plantes), um 1935,

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Wilhelm Thöny, Der Fluß, um 1927,

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Wilhelm Thöny, Die Brücke, um 1928 Öl/Leinwand 46 x 57,5 cm

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Wilhelm Thöny, Doppelporträt, um 1942, Deckfarben/Faserplatte, 42 x 58 cm, Eigentum der Artothek des Bundes, Leihgabe im mumok – museum moderner kunst stiftung ludwig wien,

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Wilhelm Thöny, Doppelporträt Wilhelm und Thea Thöny, um 1935,

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Wilhelm Thöny, Toulon, Mitte 1930er

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Wilhelm Thöny, New York – Brooklyn Bridge, um 1935,

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Wilhelm Thöny, Paris - Île de la Cité, 1929/30,

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Wilhelm Thöny, Sanary-sur-Mer, um 1935,

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Wilhelm Thöny, Der Schulhof, 1926,

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