Katharina Sabernig

Knitted Anatomy

25.03. - 03.07.2022

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25.03. - 03.07.2022


24.03.2022, 7pm


Neue Galerie Graz


Günther Holler-Schuster

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About the

Katharina Sabernig is a doctor and anthropologist who has worked with anatomical illustrations, visualised medicine and Tibetan medical terminology. Inspired by the diversity of anatomical representations and the ethical issues associated with this art, she began knitting anatomical objects in 2015. In her current project, she depicts the topography of internal organs and their vascular supply, taking the size of an adult person as a starting point.

Free admission! 

Katharina Sabernig is a doctor and anthropologist who has worked with anatomical illustrations, visualised medicine and Tibetan medical terminology. Inspired by the diversity of anatomical representations and the ethical issues associated with this art, she began knitting anatomical objects in 2015. In her current project, she depicts the topography of internal organs and their vascular supply, taking the size of an adult person as a starting point.


Kurator Günther Holler-Schuster und Künstlerin Katharina Sabernig,

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Katharina Sabernig, "Arterien", 2016-2022,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Covid-19 und Chaos im Körper“, 2020,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Covid-19 und der Gastrointestinaltrakt“, 2020,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Covid-19 und Thrombosen oder Embolien“, 2020,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Covid-19 und die Lunge“, 2020,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Gebärmutterhalskarzinom T1“, 2019,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Gebärmutterhalskarzinom T2“, 2019,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Gebärmutterhalskarzinom T3“, 2019,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Gebärmutterhalskarzinom T4“, 2019,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Männliches Urogenitalsystem“, 2020,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Stadien Urothelkarzinom“, 2018

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Katharina Sabernig, „Venen und Lymphgefäße“ und „Arterien“, 2016-2022,

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Katharina Sabernig, „Periphere Nerven“, 2016-2022,

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Katharina Sabernig, „3.820 Buchstaben“, 2021,

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Ausstellungsansicht, Katharina Sabernig: "Gestrickte Anatomie",

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Installation view, Katharina Sabernig „Knitted Anatomy“,

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Ausstellungsansicht, Katharina Sabernig: "Gestrickte Anatomie",

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Ausstellungsansicht, Katharina Sabernig: "Gestrickte Anatomie",

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