Erwin Wurm

Fat Survival

26.01. - 31.03.2002

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26.01. - 31.03.2002


Fri, 25th January 2002, 7pm


Neue Galerie Graz


Peter Weibel

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About the

In its first phase, the development of sculpture in the 20 century was characterised by detachment from the human body. In Brancusi's work, the human head becomes increasingly geometric and ultimately egg-shaped. This process was called abstraction, meaning abstraction from human dimensions.

After this phase of loss of the human proportion in sculpture, this 'dehumanisation' as the process was referred to in conservative cultural critique, followed the second phase, the concretisation of sculpture. All things could be called a sculpture: sculpture as an object from urinal to bicycle. In the 1980s furniture established itself as part of the sculptural world of objects. The abstract object became an article of everyday use. Furniture sculpture was both an object of everyday use and sculpture.

As a consequence the human body re-entered the picture. Using furniture meant sitting on it etc, hence anthropomorphism and the world of the concrete met in contemporary sculpture. Wurm was one of the pioneers of this act reconciliation. His use of media such as video and photography is unique. These media allowed him to introduce new parameters of sculpture such as duration alongside the classic ones like gravitation, weight, statics, stability, equilibrium, materiality and form. Human bodies, connected with objects and holding positions they could only maintain for minutes, are ideal expansions of sculpture into the field of media.

Peter Weibel


Erwin Wurm Ohne Titel, 6 Pullover-Skulpturen, 2000 c-print / PVC; 3 x 2m

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Erwin Wurm Indoor Sculptures CC-Graz, 2001 series of 7 photographs 100 x 120cm

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Erwin Wurm Fat Car, 2001 car, polyethuran, styrofoam, lack 1,30 x 2,65 x 4,80m und 111 x 65 x 33cm

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Erwin Wurm Installation, Ausstellung „22° C“, 1995 Kunstmuseum St. Gallen

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