When tracing the hunting ‘reforms’ that were introduced in the 19th century and still have an impact today, one inevitably comes across Archduke Johann.
At that time, the hunting situation was tense, because until the middle of the 19th century, hunting rights were not tied to land as they are today. Hunting was reserved for the nobility and therefore rather hated by the ‘common people’, as sometimes excessive game populations also led to major game damage, which reduced the already meagre agricultural yields.
This in turn had unpleasant consequences for hunting, as from 1848 - a time of political change - many opportunities for poaching opened up. This also affected the chamois and red deer population in Archduke Johann's hunting grounds, which he had leased from the farmers around Mariazell in addition to his own hunting grounds in the vicinity of the Brandhof. The area of his hunting grounds - property including leases - totalled around 30,000 hectares at the time.
His aim was now to rebuild the population through new regulations using district systems and so-called professional hunters. For example, he only allowed certain parts of the hunting grounds to be hunted and then placed them under ‘protection’ for several years so that there was no disturbance there. Johann was also very committed to the precise description of the duties of the ‘professional hunters’ he employed, as well as their ‘remuneration’.