Haegue Yang

VIP’s Union - Phase I & II

23.06.2017 - 28.01.2018

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23.06.2017 - 28.01.2018


Phase I: 22.06.2017, 7pm | Phase II: 14.02.2018, 7pm


Kunsthaus Graz, BesucherInnenstiegenhaus Ein/Ausgang Space02


Barbara Steiner


Katrin Bucher Trantow

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About the

Opening Phase II: 14.02.2018, 7pm. The Korean artist Haegue Yang asked well-known or famous personalities – VIPs – from Graz and Styria to loan a chair or table of their choice. Together these pieces of furniture produce a portrait of the province and city.

Further information


VIP's Union - Phase I

Opening: 22.06.2017, 7pm

Duration: 23.06.2017-28.01.2018

The first part can be seen from 23.06.2017 all over the Kunsthaus Graz.


VIP's Union – Phase II

Opening: 14.02.2018, 7pm

Duration: 15.02.–02.04.2018 

The second part will be shown in Space02 from 14.02.2018. 

One exhibition in two parts

How is the social importance of VIPs defined, and what is an art institution’s attitude towards this? The Korean artist Haegue Yang addressed this issue in developing VIP’s Union 2001. For the realization of VIP’s Union at the Kunsthaus Graz, she has asked ‘very important persons’ from the city and region to lend a chair or table of their choice.

These are people who have, or will have, a close relationship to the institution in very different ways. So, for example, the mayor of Graz, the Styrian minister for economy, culture and tourism, as well as members of the Association of Friends of Modern and Contemporary Art, of the board of trustees, the supervisory board, artists linked with the Kunsthaus and cooperation partners have all lent their furniture. In this way a collective portrait of the Kunsthaus emerges, blended from many different individual elements. Together they create an abstract and yet also very concrete picture of the cultural landscape of Graz and Styria.

Arranged by the artist, the presentation of VIP’s Union consists of two phases. Firstly – from June 22nd 2017 – the furniture will be on show throughout the building. The ‘VIP Room’ is transformed into a space that can be used not just by a few VIPs, but is open to all visitors. In the second phase, from February 8th to April 2nd 2018, an exhibition in Space02 and a catalogue edition will conclude the project. VIP’s Union in Graz is connected with earlier presentations from this series, realised in Berlin, Bristol, Antwerp, Bonn and Seoul.

Haegue Yang’s oeuvre examines the emotional power of materials:
Yang’s works have been shown at major exhibitions including
v. l. n. r.: Barabara Steiner, Haegue Yang und Katrin Bucher Trantow

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Haegue Yang im Ausstellungsraum

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Haegue Yang, VIP´s Union, 2017 (Detail)

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Ausstellungsansicht, VIP's Union

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Gelbes Sitzmöbel, Foto: Universalmuseum Joanneum/N.Lackner

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Sofatisch, Foto: Universalmuseum Joanneum/N.Lackner

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Haegue Yang. VIP’s Union

Together with the artist Haegue Yang, the Kunsthaus Graz asked over 100 people for a piece of furniture. Functional yet personal furnishings transform the entire exhibition centre into a very special "VIP Room", creating a picture of a specific cultural landscape

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