Protocol for Utopia: The Dreams We Call Our Own

A performative installation by Jasmina Cibic

29.09. - 30.09.2023

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29.09. - 30.09.2023


4pm - 7pm


Kunsthaus Graz, Space01


Free admission

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About the

Cibic conceived the performance The dreams we call our own as a deconstruction of the patriarchal form of the medium of political address itself and breaks the text down into a new narrative set into music by the composer and artist Barbara Kinga Majewska.

Further information

Start at the top of every hour: 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m.

The Dreams We Call Our Own is a new production by artist Jasmina Cibic, commissioned by Kunsthaus Graz and steirischer herbst '23. Known for her performative installations that deal with the staging of ideology, Cibic's new site-specific performance is based on the artist's research into the exchange between the cultural workers of the non-aligned states that took place between 21 and 25 October 1985 in Titograd in the former Yugoslavia. Cibic has meticulously combed through the archives of these meetings and debates and developed a propositional text in the form of a political speech. By combining sentences from various contributions found in the archive, Cibic collected statement-like sentences suggesting how to achieve self-determination of an oppressed identity.

Cibic conceived the performance The Dreams We Call Our Own as a deconstruction of the patriarchal form of the medium of political address and opens up a new narrative set to music by composer and artist Barbara Kinga Majewska. Cibic uses fragments of speeches given at this event as a libretto for a musical performance set to music by composer Barbara Kinga Majewska. The work will be performed by eight singers distributed on floating structures in the Kunsthaus Graz.

With the participation of the Vocalforum Graz and the singers Saha Esbati, Eva Gugerbauer, Zane Kļaviņa, Melanie Rehrl-Leopold, Leonie Roubal, Marie-Therese Schwaiger, Leanne Tong and Margareth Tumler
Production: Franz M. Herzog

The Dreams We Call Our Own is part of the research project and film work Beacons, commissioned by IMMA, Irish Museum of Modern Art, for the exhibition Self Determination: A Global Perspective.

Supported by Art Collection of Non-Aligned Countries Laboratory, a project of the Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro, and Friends of Nomad.

With the kind support of SKICA - Slovenian Cultural Information Centre

Jasmina Cibic
Barbara Kinga Majewska

Please note that photos and videos may be taken at this event and published for the purposes of documentation and media use by Kunsthaus Graz, steirischer herbst and the artist Jasmina Cibic.