At the PULSE of time
Light is life and an essential part of our civilization. That's why we want to set an example for community - and you can be a part of it!
Open the website on May 16th from 9 p.m. and create your own pulse of light for the BIX. Together, this creates a lively pulse that will be visible on the facade of the Kunsthaus for the entire evening.
You are invited
The International Day of Light, a worldwide initiative of UNESCO, aims to raise awareness of how light and energy affect our daily lives and how our community is shaped by them. Energie Graz and the Kunsthaus Graz therefore invite you to free admission to the Kunsthaus as well as to a public event in the foyer and on the forecourt with music and a bar from 7 pm.
Collaboration project
GRAZ PULSiert (GRAZ is PULSing) is also the opening event of a collaboration between the Kunsthaus Graz, the students of the FH Joanneum, the media artist Tristan Schulze and Energie Graz. The BIX Media Facade of the Kunsthaus will be the core of an interdisciplinary debate between art, design and architecture. Over the course of the year, students from the Master's program in Media and Interaction Design at the FH Joanneum will develop interactive projects for the BIX facade with the media artist Tristan Schulze. The starting point for these projects are questions such as:
- What possibilities and functions does the light and media facade have in urban space?
- What different demands are there for a media facade of a public building that exhibits contemporary art?
- How do digital and “real” communities connect today?
- How do the digital and analog worlds intertwine today?
At the end of the year, a jury will select a winning project, which will be displayed on the BIX Media Facade for a month. Energie Graz provides a very special prize: The developer of this selected project will receive one year of free natural electricity. Finally, in December there will be an exhibition of all the projects at Kunsthaus Graz.