
A BIX project by the ADRIART programme students

12.04. - 05.05.2013

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12.04. - 05.05.2013


Kunsthaus Graz, BIX Fassade

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Commenting on different communication strategies between the public, the city and the Kunsthaus, a group of students of the international master in “Advancing Digitally Renewed Interactions in Art Teaching” (ADRIART) present their findings/experiments on participation for the BIX Media Facade.

Today, there is hardly an urban agglomeration without dynamic media facades. And yet the "Big Pixel" of the Kunsthaus Graz has a certain special status - not only because of the surface geometry of the architecture. In particular, the communication with the public space as a non-commercial information carrier makes the BIX Media Facade a rich field of experimentation for young artists. 

Under the supervision of Richard Dank (Institute for Architecture and Media) and Daniela Brasil (Institute for Contemporary Art), a group of students from the international master's programme ADRIART (Advancing Digitally Renewed Interactions in Art Teaching) will attempt to transform the passive flâneur into an active participant in order to change the surrounding urban space and its perception in surprising ways.


making off: Public Space 
Liberta Mišan . Michael Tasch . Sara Salamon
13.4. - 29.4.2013 

The public is invited to activate the BIX Media Facade by creating a human chain that connects two electrical contact points mounted in front of the Kunsthaus. The image incorporates on the one hand a self-organizing method for creating emotional and physical contact; and on the other hand, the complete communion between participants and museum. This simultaneity comments on the role of the author, transforming the collective experience into a visual response on public space. 

Arnold Verderber . Lavoslava Bencic . Mark Bizilj 
Meandering around the city constantly involves unconscious actions. This work comments on the small mistakes that appear in this travelling through space, where some city artifacts appear to be used in ways different from how they were conceived. This public misuse runs parallel to the intrinsic mistakes in the city structure. The intervention focuses on a commonly mistaken activation of the acoustic signal guiding pedestrians over a crossing; each useless interaction with the device is translated into visualizations of another mistake: the “jumping pixel” on the BIX facade.

City Voyeur 
Polona Zupan 
It seems that surveillance of all kinds and levels is continuously taking place around us. Voyeurism is one of the most important dynamics inside cities. This intervention ref lects on urban movements by using a playful device that invites the passer-by to interact with the idea of aerial observation. In the process of participating the user discovers that he/she is part of the immense mechanism of visual control. 

Emina Kefelja . Marleen Leitner . Mia Vucemilovic 
The river Mur flows from Austria, passing through Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. The water that goes inexorably from city to city keeps a vibrating union alive. This intervention, on the benches of the Mur promenade in Graz, lets the user metaphorically interrupt the connection between countries, by collapsing with a minimal act, the subtle bridge that unfies the route. 

Arnold Verderber, Lavoslava Bencic, Mark Bizilj, mistake+

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Arnold Verderber, Lavoslava Bencic, Mark Bizilj, mistake+

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Arnold Verderber, Lavoslava Bencic, Mark Bizilj, mistake+

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Arnold Verderber, Lavoslava Bencic, Mark Bizilj, mistake+

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