The Painter’s Cabinet. Terry Winters’ Dialogue with Nature

Piece each 29,90 €

American painter Terry Winters (b. 1949) has expanded the concerns of abstract art, beginning with botanically inspired images and going on to explore biological processes and mathematical systems. For The Painter’s Cabinet, Winters exhibits paintings, drawings, and prints along with specimens selected from the Natural History Collection at the Universalmuseum Joanneum. The installation presents a visual network of objects that inform Winters’ richly associative abstract forms. Drawing upon correspondences between disciplines, it becomes a large-scale laboratory employing pictorial methods of insight. Addressing the interaction between information and imagination, painting contributes today to our understanding of the world in a form that combines scientific evidence with the subjective experience of art. With texts by Kenneth Goldsmith, Peter Pakesch and Ferdinand Schmatz.


Published by Verlag für Moderne Kunst
ISBN 978-3-903004-89-4