Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts 2013

Piece each 9,90 €


In the globalised world, it is only to a limited extent that art allows the character of an individual artwork to be determined by the territory the artist hails from. The aesthetics and art philosophies that are presented in this competition exhibition catalogue are correspondingly diverse. It was not identification with the province of Styria that was the criterion used in selecting artists for the exhibition. The purpose was not to exhibit representative samples of the artistic trends currently dominant on the Styrian stage—especially as several of the artists are also actively involved in the art worlds of Vienna, Berlin or Brussels.
Rather, the exhibition can be seen as akin to a performance by a ‘super-band’ as dreamed up by the curator which could be known as The Styrians, who combine their forces for one moment to give an unforgettable concert. What counts ultimately is the quality of the individual contribution.

Artists: Martin Ebner, Robert Gruber, Michael Gumhold, Daniel Hafner, Angelika Loderer, Evelyn Loschy, Georg Oberhumer, Katrin Plavčak, Kurt Ryslavy, Gregor Schmoll
Curator: Jarosław Suchan, Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź (PL)


Publication date: Nov 7, 2013
96 pages in colour
German/English in one volume