Exhibition catalogue for Connected. Peter Kogler with ...

Piece each 35,00 €

This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition  Connected. Peter Kogler with … at the Kunsthaus Graz in 2019. The exhibition blends works from the early 20th century with contemporary pieces in a spatial installation by Peter Kogler.

Kogler’s art is combined with works by Fernand Léger, Charlotte Perriand, Hedy Lamarr and Friedrich Kiesler—a generation of artists who drew inspiration from one another in their search for a synthesis of the arts—creating a spatial experience within an interwoven structure. The book includes an extensive section of colour images with installation views that faithfully reflect the impact of this three-dimensional universe.

The collection of texts expands upon the issues explored in the exhibition: Ami Barak focuses on how the selected works are embedded in Kogler’s technological way of thinking about images and space, and highlights the close links between the imagery in Kogler’s and Léger’s work. Antheil expert Mauro Piccinini takes a direct look at the open process and technical demands of the collaboration between Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy and George Antheil on the Ballet mécanique.

Monika Holzer-Kernbichler’s article investigates the technological challenges faced as well as Antheil’s continued work on the score, also exploring its reinterpretation by experimental sound artist Winfried Ritsch. A discussion between curator Katrin Bucher Trantow and Peter Kogler offers an in-depth understanding of how the exhibition took shape and reveals Kogler’s world of ideas as an artist, drawn from an intricate network.

Each catalogue is individually fitted with a wallpaper detail by Peter Kogler. The wallpapers were produced by Edition Artelier from 1996 to 2012 and generously provided für this publication.


Published by VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH
ISBN: 978-3-903320-05-2

German/English, 232 pages with illustrations