Dieter Kienast

1945 (Zollikon/Zurich) – 1998 (Zurich)

Landscape architect of the Austrian Sculpture Park

1945 (Zurich) – 1998 (Zurich)
Born in Zürich in 1945.
Studied at the University of Kassel 1970–1975 
Doctoral thesis on urban phytosociology 1975–1978
Worked for Peter Paul Stöckli, Wettingen 1972–1978 
Stöckli + Kienast, Wettingen 1979–1986 
Stöckli, Kienast & Koeppel, Wettingen, Zürich and Bern 1987–1994 (with Hans-Dietmar Koeppel)
Kienast Vogt Partner, Zürich and Bern, 1995–1998 (with Günther Vogt and Erika Kienast-Lüder)
Professor for landscape architecture at the Interkantonales Technikum Rapperswil, 1981–1991
Professor for landscape architecture at the University of Karlsruhe, 1992–1997
Professor for landscape architecture at ETH Zürich, 1997–98
Collaboration with the architect’s firms Diener & Diener Architekten, Burkhalter Sumi Architekten, Gigon & Guyer Architekten, Herzog & De Meuron, Meili, Peter Architekten, Romero & Schaefle Architekten, and the artists Helmut Federle, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Fischli Weiss, Jenny Holzer, Gottfried Honnegger, Sol Le Witt, and others.
Dieter Kienast died in his home town on 23 December 1998.

Selected works:
Kienast Garden in Zürich (1974–1998, further developed by Erika Kienast)
Wettingen town park (1979–83)
Kurpark Zurzach (1983–1985)
Ecole cantonale de langue française, Bern / surroundings (1983 (WB)–1987)
Lory hospital, Bern / surroundings (1986)
Rütihof cemetery, Baden (1985 (WB)–1989)
Moabiter Werder park, Berlin (1990 WB, built 2000–2002 by Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten)
Fürstenwald cemetery, Chur (1992/93(WB)–1995)
Outdoor facilities of Swisscom headquarters in Worblaufen, Bern (1993–98)
Hanover, Kronsberg – Urban development master plan (landscape) (1994–95)
Outdoor facilities of Ricola packaging building in Brunnstatt (F) (1994)
Kurpark Bad Münder (D) (1994)
ZKM greenway, Karlsruhe (1995 (WB)–1996)
Outdoor facilities of the Tate Modern, London (1996 (WB)–, continued by Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten)
Erfurt Labour Court / surroundings (1997)
EXPO 2000 Hanover (1997 (WB)–2000)
International Garden Show in Graz --> today’s Austrian Sculpture Park (1997(WB)–2000)

Ongoing research project at ETH Zürich:
TH research project No. 14840
„Grau und Grün. Dieter Kienasts (1945-1998) Beitrag zur Landschaftsarchitektur“

Realisation / dissertation Anette Freytag

Supervision: Prof. Christophe Girot, Prof. em. Arthur Rüegg