Project title:
"Development of a sustainable cross-border labor-economic structure for the revitalization of cultural heritage and rare crafts".
Project partner:
- Berufsförderungsinstitut Burgenland (Lead-Partner)
- Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje (Arbeitsagentur der Republik Slowenien)
- Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije (Kammer für Handwerk und Kleinunternehmen in Slowenien)
- Sekem Energy GmbH
- Universalmuseum Joanneum GmbH
This project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria cooperation program.
Project goals:
- Revitalization of old crafts
- Increase in the number of craftsmen and apprentices
- Improvement of vocational guidance and cooperation
Project duration: 2019-2021
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