“It is no wonder that miracles happen where miracles are believed.” (Ludwig Feuerbach)
Sources are often shrouded in myths and symbolize the origin of all life. Our fourth and last trip to the water (OHE VIENE POR EL AGUA!) has the shape of a parabola, beginning and ending at the source, at the origin. Even without using the touristic-esoteric term “power place,” we can assume that we will experience particularly impressive places on our west tour.
Visited locations: Graz Andritz – Übelbach –Unterzeiring – Oberzeiring – Zeutschach
As part of the project NESW - Never Wash Without Soap 2023 thought of, visited, and presented by Alexandra Riewe.
Visited Artworks by:
Fedo Ertl, Serge Spitzer, Manfred Erjautz, Eva Seiler, Christian Eisenberger, Petra Sterry, Anna Popelka, Renate Krammer, Markus Wilfling, Alex Gschiel, Günther Pedrotti, Christina Helena Romirer, Nina Markart, Reni Hofmüller, Nicole Pruckermayr, Robin Klengel, Klammer | Gründler, Doris Jauk-Hinz, Eva Ursprung, Wolfgang Buchner, Stefan Glettler, Gustav Troger etc.
Possible schedule changes will be communicated on the website www.kioer.at or after registration.