L201 22 3

Curated by Alfred Lenz


Image Credits




5pm - 11pm


Art in Public Space

Meeting point

Studenzen 99, 8322 Studenzen

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About the

The art space L201 hosting a festival with contributions by Daniel Hafner, Valerie Holfeld & Judith Raupp aka Holl/Raupe, Ronja Klug, Klaus Lang, Karl Salzmann, Andreas Trobollowitsch and Piano Feedback Distortion.

Alfred Lenz, L201 | 2022

With his L201 project, Alfred Lenz has created an art space in Studenzen on the eponymous Landesstraße 201. Since 2021, various artists and musicians have been coming to this art space to realize their concepts and projects. Various projects were also implemented in 2022.

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L201 22 3

The art space L201 hosting a festival with contributions for the first time.

Featured projects were sound installations, performances, as well as U- and E-music.

Participating artists: Daniel Hafner, Valerie Holfeld & Judith Raupp aka Holl/Raupe, Ronja Klug, Klaus Lang, Karl Salzmann, Andreas Trobollowitsch and Piano Feedback Distortion.


Location: Studenzen 99, 8322 Studenzen