Fulfillment: A big promise hanging on a long chain

Fast Fashion consumption and logistics


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11am - 12pm


Art in Public Space, KIÖR, Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz, Heimatsaal

Meeting point

Heimatsaal at Volkskundemuseum, Paulustorgasse 13a, 8010 Graz



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About the

In their presentation, Lisa and Wilfried Prantner from the association "Bis es mir vom Leibe fällt" discuss the interconnections between fast fashion, online logistics, and happiness. In May, their project "In Search of Fulfillment" will delve deeper into these connections. The association's research into the convoluted paths of online-ordered and returned clothing has directed their attention to the logistical apparatus behind fast fashion consumption and led them to question why it is referred to as "fulfillment." While exploring the technical and psychological mechanisms of online logistics, they highlight the consequences of this lofty promise of fulfillment by creating the epitome of this apparatus from textile waste: a life-sized tractor-trailer.




Presentation at the Heimatsaal, Volkskundemuseum Graz, in the framework of the discourse programme at the Elevate Festival.