Cäcilia Brown, Swimming Pool Lebring

Opening as part of ...und weiter?! (...and then what?!)


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Art in Public Space, Lebring

Meeting point

Jugendzentrum Lebring, Bahnhofstraße 24, 8403 Lebring-St. Margarethen

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About the

Opening of the project Swimming Pool Lebring by Cäcilia Brown with Elisabeth Fiedler (Institute of Public Art Styria), Florian Arlt (Steirischer Dachverband der Offenen Jugendarbeit (Styrian umbrella organization of open youth work)) and mayor Franz Labugger

...und weiter?! (...and then what?!)

With the cooperative project …und weiter?! (…and then what?!) the Institute of Public Art Styria connects art with youth work. Artists work with local adolescents in three Styrian communities: Bruck an der Mur, Voitsberg and Lebring to create three art works unique to the respective community.

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Cäcilia Brown, Swimming Pool Lebring

We – kids & teens from Lebring – are planning a really cool project with the artist Cäcilia Brown, which aims to bring the Lebring-community closer together.


Out of several different private swimming pools we will create a public swimming pool for Lebring, which will be open for a week. We asked private pool owners to lend their gardens and pools to us as a public swimming pool. There will be a lifeguard, changing rooms, benches, food and drinks and everything else essential for a typical swimming pool day experience. Most of those things we will build ourselves. We even developed a logo for our pool, which we will print on shirts and caps. Of course, there will also be a variety of events taking place during the week.


This unforgettable summer experience will be created for all interested people in Lebring. Next to cooling down the exchange between generations and getting to know each other will be the focus of this project.



Thirstday, July 18th 3 – 7 o’clock pm, the outdoor area of the youth centre (JUZ) becomes a public pool

Location: youth centre Lebring (JUZ), Bahnhofstraße 24, 8403 Lebring-St. Margarethen

Friday, July 19th 1 – 8 o’clock pm, public swimming pool Lebring

Location: Feldbahnweg 4, 8403 Lebring-St. Margarethen


Cäcilia Brown (*1983)
Logo drafts

In Cooperation with