Siegrun Appelt

Light project Graz-Reininghaus, 2015

20.03. - 29.03.2015

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20.03. - 29.03.2015


Art in Public Space

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About the

This project dealt with the structures and old buildings of the Reinighaus complex in Graz, still in existence in March 2015. Light and movement altered the experience of architectural structures and the surrounding area.

Siegrun Appelt

At the centre of the light project stands Graz–Reininghaus with the structures and old buildings still in existence in March 2015. Using selected lighting and movement, light images composed in a range of different ways transform one landscape image into the next. Thus after sunset an almost filmic and sometimes surreal kind of scenery is created, in which people observing and using the site become an integral part of the light project. 

The light work occurs at a time when the urban planning of this area is experiencing an upheaval, so that the industrial past, social present and urban future are layered over one another in Reininghaus. A light programme for Spotlights is created via a central control system. An electro-acoustic sound installation by Alexey Retinsky accompanies the presentation.

Access to the site is only permitted within the context of a guided tour. During the light project, the usual 50% light reduction in the city at 10 pm will be brought forward to about 8 pm. In addition, the clocktower will be highlighted with a laser beam from the Reininghaus site during this period.

This project is part of the exhibition Light that is presenting three projects in the public space and one international conference to the topic in the Joanneum District. 


Opening: Friday, 20.03.2015, at 8 pm

With Siegrun Appelt - Artist,  Dr. Christian Buchmann - Provincial Councillor for Cultural Affairs, Peter Pakesch - Artistic Director UMJ, Dr. Elisabeth Fiedler - Head of the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria


Location: Reininghausgründe, Reininghausstraße 5, 8020 Graz

Press Release


Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Kunsthaus

Image Credits

Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Uhrturm

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Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Reininghaus-Gründe

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Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Reininghaus-Gründe

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Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Reininghaus-Gründe

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Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Reininghaus-Gründe

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Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Reininghaus-Gründe

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Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Reininghaus-Gründe

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Siegrun Appelt, Lichtprojekt Graz-Reininghaus, 2015, Reininghaus-Gründe

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